coffee is a healthy booster. Check out the coffee rules.

Is coffee the new black in anti-ageing?

There are so many studies about the wonders of green tea and good quality organic coffee have similar effects on anti-ageing. Thorbjörg’s shares her experience of how a pre-exercise coffee helps her burn 15% more calories during first three hours post exercise.

I have modified my thoughts and recommendations about coffee after I read some studies that gave me some new understandings. I was taken aback by the information about the synergy between caffeine, antioxidants, polyphenols, vitamins and minerals in the dark (not light) roasted beans and the good response on anti-age and inflammation caused by pro-inflammatory pathways. I knew about the wonders of green tea, and good quality organic coffee seams to have the similar effect.

An eye opener was found in a recent research which suggested that concentrate from whole coffee fruit triggers the brain to release a growth factor called Brain-Derived-Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). This is a protein active in the brain and seems to be able to activate stem cells to convert into new neurons and to protect against neuro degeneration, it is also believed to enhance memory, energy and alertness. I want to believe that I get some of those benefits just drinking my good organic coffee. Also, I use glutathione to boost BDNF. 

Take notice of, that caffeine alone does not work that way but, in this case, has to be in the whole coffee rather than from harmful caffeine pills or energy drinks.

Coffee is also a metabolism booster

Another experience changed my attitude. The change in my performance drinking coffee before my exercise. I was experimenting with different things such as red beetroot juice, which I still use and love, spirulina, green tea and coffee. While the red juice enhances my oxygen intake and spirulina prevents injuries, the coffee seemed to boost my metabolism. The Spanish study, published in the International Journal of Sport and Exercise metabolism (LINK: found out, that trained athletes, who had about 300mg of caffeine pre exercise, burned 15% more calories during three hours post exercise. Equivalent to the amount of caffeine in the majority coffee drinkers’ morning cup. 

So, coffee may be a wise and good choice with benefits if you want:

  1. Energy boost
  2. To lose weight
  3. Enhance your memory
  4. Boost your BDNF in the brain and nerve system
  5. Be more alert
  6. Run faster and longer 

Coffee rules

  1. One cup of organic dark roasted coffee in the morning, before workout, and one cup in the afternoon. 
  2. Do your self, and your body and mind, a favor and grind the beans your self just before you make your coffee. If you use filters, ensure that they are not chlorin bleached. 
  3. Ensure the coffee beans are organic and fair trade. 
  4. Don’t use artificial creams which contain added sugar. 

My very old Icelandic uncle was a fisherman in open boat, he and his crew used to have black coffee, cod liver oil and butter before they sailed in the winter. He was convinced that it saved their lives out at sea when it got crazy! So, I took it up, nowadays I use grass fed butter and organic coconut oil in my coffee. I also add cinnamon or cardamom, just as my Moroccan friend taught me 35 years ago.

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